Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Day Eight

The weather was a bit colder today and quite damp but the rain held off. I got to the hospital about 12:15 and things were pretty quiet. The bus driver I see every day waved at me, the young white girls with stony expressions drive by maintaining their cool, people I know from church wave and a few others look puzzled as they read my sign.

Just as I was preparing to leave an older lady crossed the street to come and talk to me. She said my sign piqued her curiosity. I told her 40 DFL was an international prayer campaign and we were praying for an end to abortion. She told me she doesn't like it when people use abortion as birth control. She also told me she thinks abortion for medical reasons (baby is sick or physically challenged) are OK. I reminded her that doctors are wrong sometimes. She didn't acknowledge this but the longer she talked the more Pro Life she sounded. Then she said goodbye and walked back to the hospital.

I thought I'd wait five more minutes and then head back to work. Glad I did - a well dressed man and woman walked around the corner (I'm guessing they were returning from lunch) and they kept looking at me. I think they must be some sort of hospital administrators/management because most men do not wear  suits around here. The woman kept looking so I waved at her even though my personal policy is to wait until passersby acknowledge me first. She did not wave back.

I am excited that our Pro Life friends from Kitimat will be joining us on the front lines at 3:00 PM this Friday! Hope to see  you there!

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